Hd Girl Wallpapers Definition
source(google.com.pk)Lulu, also known as Lu, is a playable character in Final Fantasy X. She is one of Yuna's Guardians. Alongside Auron, she is the wisest and most mature of them all. Since Lulu grew up with Yuna in Besaid, she and Wakka think of Yuna as a younger sister. Lulu's stoic and self-possessed nature makes her seem insensitive at times, but she has a hidden bit of gentleness underneath.
She specializes in the art of Black Magic, using various dolls to help cast powerful spells. She is instrumental in helping Tidus adjust to the world of Spira, although she does not fully believe his claim of being from Zanarkand.
Appearance and Personality
"Yuna's guardian, and an accomplished black mage. She's guarded two summoners before Yuna, and learned much from those pilgrimages. No one, not even Wakka, knows how she controls the puppets she uses as weapons."
—Scan description
Lulu deviates from the "traditional Black Mage look" like that of Vivi Ornitier. Instead, she takes on inspirations from the traditional obeah voodoo priestess and a modern day witch who are known for their mysterious manner of clothing as well as their common practice with black magic and usage of voodoo dolls. She is dressed in an low-cut fur-lined dark-grey-and-black dress that prominently displays her ample cleavage (from which she also pulls out items when she uses the Item command).
She wears a huge collection of interlaced belts below the waist. Her hair is tied up in a knot at the top with long braids dangling from it. She wears many accessories, including several necklaces, rings and many ear piercings, as well as dark purple make up. Her strange manner of dress is a rather stark contrast from the other residents of the tropical isle.
She was raised in Besaid as an orphan alongside Wakka, Chappu, and later Yuna, after her parents, who she remembers just a little, were killed by Sin when she was five years old. At some point in her past, she became romantically involved with Chappu, Wakka's younger brother, and he even considered proposing to her. However, Chappu suddenly joined the Crusaders to make the world safer for Lulu (because "Being with your girl is good, but keeping Sin away from her is better".) and died in an operation against Sin somewhere near Djose, before he could propose to her.
Later, she would find out that Luzzu, a Crusader and friend of Chappu, was the one that convinced him to enlist in the Crusaders; when telling the truth to Wakka, and being punched shortly after, Luzzu stated that she hit him too when he told her. Unlike Wakka, she is more accepting of Chappu's death and she does not place blame for it. Nevertheless, she still brings him up often and says how Tidus or anyone else will "never take Chappu's place".
Lulu is first mentioned in the game by Wakka: he warns Tidus about Yuna's guardians, stating that "One of them's got a short fuse". Indeed, Lulu is often stern and scathing (particularly to Wakka), and does not smile very often. However, she is nonetheless kindhearted and caring toward others. She is also highly intelligent, and is one of the few Yevonites who easily questions the Yevon religion on objective terms.
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